Month Six

Here are this month's activities for Personal Progress. In order to complete each, please use the Personal Progress website to do your Personal Progress work.


Live your standards daily!

Book of Mormon Readings

Alma 7 - Alma 24

Value Experiences

Personal Progress Wednesday

A Sister in our ward has worked on developing her talents and turning it into a business. We are going to help her, and learn from her. This relates to Knowledge 2 and developing talents that will help you care for your future family.

A Little Extra

The Focus of this months value experiences is to develop the talents that will make you the happiest throughout your life. So we are still focusing on home and family. Be a little kinder, be a little more patient, and develop skills that will help your future amazing family. You know, the one with a worthy priesthood holder, and munchkins calling you Mommy.

Note: Some of these are really good to start working on before camp!!!

First Sunday

Be partakers of the divine nature. … Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (2 Peter 1:4–7).

I have inherited divine qualities, which I will strive to develop.

Divine Nature 3
Make your home life better. For two weeks make a special effort to strengthen your relationship with a family member by showing love through your actions. Refrain from judging, criticizing, or speaking unkindly, and watch for positive qualities in that family member. Write notes of encouragement, pray for this family member, find ways to be helpful, and verbally express your love. Share your experiences and the divine qualities you’ve discovered with that family member or with a parent or leader.

Sign off: June 18th

Second Sunday

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (D&C 18:10).

I am of infinite worth with my own divine mission, which I will strive to fulfill

Individual Worth #3
Read Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 and 121:45. Do all you can to build others and make them feel of worth. Every day for two weeks notice the worthwhile qualities and attributes of others. Acknowledge them verbally or in writing. In your journal write what you have learned about the worth of individuals and how your own confidence grows when you build others.

Sign off: June 25th

Third Sunday

Who is your favorite Personal Progress Leader? Who cares that you have been at camp all week, and need a recovery Sunday? I expect a hug!!! But remember you still keep the Sabbath Day Holy and still work on things that will please your Father in Heaven. If you want to catch up, or record, log and put experiences in the queue so you can get them signed off.

Sign off: Divine Nature 3

Fourth Sunday

Seek learning, even by study and also by faith (D&C 88:118).

I will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.

Knowledge #2 In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking, sewing, or child care). Share with your family, class, or Young Women leader what you have learned.

Sign off: Individual Worth 3; Knowledge 2 (maybe)

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