The Personal Progress Program is a six year long program.  If you start the program right from the first day you enter the Young Women program.

Young women may work at their own pace in the Personal Progress program; however, it is recommended that a young woman complete at least one value experience each month and one value project every six months (two a year). 

For complete instructions and as a source of really good information about the program, pace etc. Please read: Overview for Parents and Leaders.

So here is how we are going to do it:

If you are a First year Beehive, you may work on the First Sunday Value of Each Month, and complete two Value Projects each year.

If you are a Second Year Beehive, you may work on the First and Second Sunday Value Experience for each month and two point five Value Projects each year.

   If you are a First Year Mia Maid You may work on First, Second, and Third Sunday Value Experience for each month and two point five Value Projects each year.
    If you are a Second Year Mia Maid You may work on First, Second, and Third Sunday Value Experience for each month and three Value Projects each year.

   If you are a First Year Lauren You may work on First, Second, Third and Fourth Sunday Value Experience for each month and 4 Value Projects each year.
   If you are a Second Year Lauren You may work on First, Second, Third and Fourth Sunday Value Experience for each month and eight Value Projects for your last year.

Starting in July we will be working on Value Projects. I will be meeting with each of you to determine what we need to do for your Value Project and how I can be of assistance. 

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