Month Eleven


Live your standards daily!

Book of Mormon Readings

3 Nephi 25-Ether 8

Value Experiences

Personal Progress Wednesday

Personal Progress Blitz. Catch up on Values and complete as many of the values ones that can be done in one sitting.

  • Faith: 2, 5 & 6
  • Divine Nature: 1
  • Individual Worth: 1, 2, 4 & 7
  • Knowledge: 1 & 6
  • Choice & Accountability: 3, 4, 5 & 6
  • Integrity: 2, 3, 4 & 7
  • Virtue: 1, 2, 3 & 4

A Little Extra

This month focus is on our Savior, Jesus Christ. This month is a great month to focus on the Savior and increase your testimony!

First Sunday

Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true (Alma 32:21).

Faith 6

When you participate in family history, you come to understand your identity and individual worth. Visit with your living relatives to learn as much information about your family history as possible. Then complete a pedigree chart of your family and list the temple ordinances that have been completed for each person..

Sign off: After you create your chart

Second Sunday

Seek learning, even by study and also by faith (D&C 88:118).
I will continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.

Knowledge 1

Learn about the importance of gaining knowledge by reading Proverbs 1:54:72 Nephi 28:30; and Doctrine and Covenants 88:78–80, 11890:15130:18–19131:6. Think about why you need to gain knowledge and understanding about how to apply gospel principles to your present and future home and family life. Write in your journal what you have learned about knowledge, and discuss it with a family member or Young Women leader.

Sign off: After you write in your journal and discuss with a leader

Third Sunday

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (D&C 18:10).
I am of infinite worth with my own divine mission, which I will strive to fulfill.

Individual Worth 4

You are preparing now to fulfill a unique mission on the earth. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:119. In your journal make a list of your hopes and dreams for your future home, family, and education and some important things you would like to accomplish in your life, including becoming a wife and mother. Then write a plan that will help you achieve your goals. Share this plan with a family member, leader, or friend.

Sign off: Write plan and share with a family member, leader or friend

Fourth Sunday

Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven (3 Nephi 12:16).
I will help others and build the kingdom through righteous service.

Good Works 4
Teach a lesson about service in family home evening or in another setting. Use pictures, music, examples, or demonstrations in your lesson. You may want to use the manual Teaching, No Greater Call as a resource

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